Join & Contact Us


Contact e mail:

Who are we?

                       ORA Membership Application

Please print out and send with your fee.





email address:

I  am/ am not      prepared to be a street representative to help communications with my neighbours

Topics in which I am interested:

Assistance I’m prepared to give,

I enclose £5 membership fee in  cash/ cheque made out to Oakfield RA.


Please send to Keith Rodgerson, 10 Leigh Road, Clifton. BS8 2DA

We are all volunteers who have the interests of the area at heart.

We meet quarterly at Bristol Music Club in St Paul’s Road. Meeting dates are usually on the first Wednesday of March, June, September and December and are posted and confirmed on our website. We try to e mail all members with reminders before each meeting. You are all welcome to come along, have a pint and air your views.

Our members pay an annual membership fee of £5 which helps to cover the costs of leaflets, web hosting, overheads etc.

Those wishing to become members should send a cheque for £5 made  out to Oakfield RA to Keith Rodgerson, 10 Leigh Road, BS8 2DA along with your e mail address, home address and phone number.